Things are going really well up here. Help Services is honestly the fastest paced research floor I've been on so far. There's a lot of patrons to help and a lot of what we call "Elijah Experiences". Given that there's a lot of new accounts created, there's a lot of amazing experiences of people finding their families. I mean I helped create 5 new accounts yesterday on top of other genealogical assistance, and that was a slow day! One awesome experience I had was with a family that came in. Another Elder and I helped set up 4 accounts within an hour. We were able to help them understand the basics of using FamilySearch, how to look at and attach record hints, and the Mom even learned how to do some deeper research. We were also able to get their family trees back to the 1700's in Czechoslovakia. It was really awesome and they went down to the Discovery floor really excited.

On Monday we had our Zone Party over in the Salt Lake Stake Center. It was some really good potluck, with the main thing being pork loin. They had a live barbershop trio for entertainment too.  So, that was pretty cool. Lot's of old 50's music.


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